
Mission Statement

The mission of the IECQ Avionics Users Forum (IECQ AUF) is to discuss relevant industry standards and their audit programs. This is aimed at providing technical assistance, benchmarking activities, information on new technical issues, and clearer understanding of relevant industry standards and their audit programs to the user community. Additionally, it seeks to gather feedback and advice from users within the industry to relevant technical committees/working groups, such as IECQ WG 04 Aerospace, Defense, and High Performance (ADHP) Component Management, IECQ WG 04 Counterfeit Avoidance Programme (CAP), and IEC standards committee IEC TC 107, through the AUF main forum.

The Avionics User Forum does not create or publish standards or audit schemes, but it serves as a platform for information exchange among members. Through the AUF main forum, it may also make recommendations and provide standardized wording to other IEC/IECQ technical committees/working groups. 


The IECQ AUF platform consists of four key areas:

  • AUF General Discussion Forum - for all members' participation and contribution. 
  • AUF Technical Forums - Member participation is subject to the convener's approval for specific subject-focused forums. 
  • AUF Parts Shortage Request Forum - dedicated unique capability forum to address the industry Parts Shortage needs. 
  • AUF Resource CentreSupporting the Avionics Industry and its Supply Chain to build knowledge, skills and competence.